[Elphel-support] Priority of the thread for writing image data to a CF card over TCP.

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Tue Mar 17 08:17:52 PDT 2015

Hello Harry,

I still do not understand, how changing priorities can help deal with the internal CF timeouts.
And talking of threads - which processes consume CPU resources that you want to use?

According to our previous estimations, with frame rate and image size you use you should not have any problems recording to the CF even with these timeouts. There seems to be a problem with particular application - maybe because it was developed by the "previous engineers" and there is something wrong.

I would recommend to use the current stable camera software release and re-implement required functionality, it should not take you much time. If you start the project at GitHub or similar public repository, it would be easier for others to help you.


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