[Elphel-support] Stereo Camera Systems: Distance to Image Sensor and Sub-sampling Ethernet Output

Olga Filippova support-list at support.elphel.com
Mon Mar 31 12:33:05 PDT 2014

Hello Justin,

1) the custom cable is FPC (Fexible printed circuit), so thereis no radius
and no jacket - it is a long cable designed to connect sensor board to
system board without signal loss. You can see this cable on the picture

3) the triclops camera can be assembled with 1 system board and 3 sensors.
The frame rate will be 3 times less, though - near 5 FPS.

For calibration there is a need for combination of first: calibrating it at
Elphel, like we usually do, and second: to perform some adjustment for the
underwater environment and some extra glass after the camera is integrated
into the diving apparatus - probably some simpler target can be submerged
to optically adjust for the water density, etc.

It would be extremely hard to build the target under the water (it was hard
enough to build it in our facility:

Once we will perform the calibration in our office the camera's sensor+lens
module will be thermally compensated and fixed in the position, so that the
image is corrected for aberrations and distortions in the air. After that
it might be possible to correct it for specific underwater environment.

Best Regards
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