[Elphel-support] stereo camera with BW CCD

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Tue Sep 3 10:58:26 PDT 2013

Dear Daniel,

It is definitely possible to run smaller WOI on the camera, can you please send some detailed step-by-step instructions so we can reproduce your case and get the same errors?

The camera GUI interface (camvc) is a rather old application that was updated to accommmodate new sensor configurations and new firmware, but it may fail in some non-common cases. As most GUI programs it tries to be "smart" and so does wrong things in the situations not specifically designed into it.

If the problem can be reproduced with just the parameter editor - it is easier. What is the sequence of the parameter changes? Does the problem depend on the frame rate or it can be reproduced on a single shot?


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