[Elphel-support] stereo camera with BW CCD

drouan daniel.rouan at obspm.fr
Wed Sep 4 05:38:58 PDT 2013

Dear Andrey,

Here attached are the pdf of three parameters/init pages (parameters editor):

Parameters_init0 : is the standard configuration after a cold start ; full size,   the images are "normal"; note that the parameters MULTI_WIDTHn and 
 are not set to what should be a "normal"value : 2592 (same as WOI_WIDTH), if I understand correctly what they are.

Parameters_init1 : is an example of scrambled image when just WOI_WIDTH is changed to 1024
note that I forced also MULTI_WIDTH1 and MULTI_WIDTH2 to 1024; the image appears scrambled. 
Note also that if I set WOI_WIDTH to 2560 or 2576 the image is correct.

Parameters_init2 : is an example of some ideal case I would like to reach, with 
MULTI_LEFT1 = 256  ;  MULTI_LEFT1 = 512  ; MULTI_TOP1 = 512 ; MULTI_TOP2 = 128    (just to try some values)
The images are scrambled.  Note that I didn't try to adjust WOI_LEFT nor WOI_TOP since I do not know if they should fit
to  MULTI_LEFT1 or MULTI_LEFT2 or a combination, and to  MULTI_TOP1, MULTI_TOP2 or a combination …
I was also wondering if MULTI_HBLANK was an important parameter. 



Le 3 sept. 2013 à 19:58, support-list <support-list at support.elphel.com> a écrit :

> Dear Daniel,
> It is definitely possible to run smaller WOI on the camera, can you please send some detailed step-by-step instructions so we can reproduce your case and get the same errors?
> The camera GUI interface (camvc) is a rather old application that was updated to accommmodate new sensor configurations and new firmware, but it may fail in some non-common cases. As most GUI programs it tries to be "smart" and so does wrong things in the situations not specifically designed into it.
> If the problem can be reproduced with just the parameter editor - it is easier. What is the sequence of the parameter changes? Does the problem depend on the frame rate or it can be reproduced on a single shot?
> Andrey

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