[Elphel-support] keep settings of stereo camera

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Mon Jul 29 09:49:28 PDT 2013

> I have two questions concerning our MNC354-2 Stereo camera. 
> a.) Is it possible to make it remember its settings between two switch on , switch of ? 
> Now we have to re-apply all the settings via the web interface every time we use the camera, 
> which is quite time consuming. 

Gergely, yes, of course it is possible todo - you may use autocampars.php - it is linked from the camera top page as "Parameter Editor". Among other things it allows you to create multiple settings sets and select - which one will be applied at startup.

>b.) Sometime the image provided by one of the camera is shifted horizontally, i.e. the edge of the 
> view is in the center of the image. We can make it right again only by switch on and off the camera. 
> What is the reason of this behavior ? How can the image be fixed without restarting the camera ? 

Can you please provide more details about the settings of the camera and how you control the parameters? Corrupted images may happen in two cases - if the requested image compression quality and frame rate exceeds the network bandwidth or if something is wrong in controlling parameters. You may try to restore the image if you change frame size of the image - that will force camera to restore the correct frame.


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