[Elphel-support] change the IP to a subnet like 192.168.0.xx (like in the original configuration)

Oleg support-list at support.elphel.com
Mon Apr 1 17:01:36 PDT 2013


> In case of me making some mistake and screwing it up, how could I recover
> it? Would I have to send my camera off?
It's unlikely something could go wrong here. Just remember your settings.
In any case you would be able boot the camera through the network provided
you boot a live usb on your PC.

> in order to have an IP from the device in the xx.xx.0.xx subnet (factory
> settings) do I change only the IP value to the new subnet (from
> to Or do I have to change Netmask, Gateway, and the Broadcast
> to some other value also?
Normally, you should change the gateway to (or whatever your
router's ip address is) and broadcast, netmask stays the
In short, the camera's address needs to be in the same subnet to be
accessible - meaning if it stays connected to the same router - the
router's wire address has to be changed to

So, first change the camera address then, the router's address.

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
Elphel, Inc.
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