[Elphel-support] binning modes, sum and average, how to change them?

Oleg support-list at support.elphel.com
Fri Oct 12 19:06:28 PDT 2012


What I meant with all this is to:
> 1 - check out how much light do I gain from pixel binning (by suming) vs
> pixel binning (by averaging)

So, you would want to read EXPOS parameter as well with autoexposure
enabled, right? Or how do check?

> 2 - get a way to control this difference between pixel binning methods
> once I get connected to the camera (where I can already use a script that
> already controls a lot of parameters from the camera, and sets up the
> camera to my liking)...

> what do I gain from typing?:

wget "http://elphel/parsedit.php?DCM_HOR&DCM_VERT&BIN_HOR&BIN_VERT"

You get the response from that request - which equals to what you would see
in the browser window. From your 1st letter I got it that you would like to
read/set camera parameters from a command line.

Resolent elphel (elphel)...
> S'està connectant a elphel (elphel)||:80... conectat.
> HTTP: Petició enviada, esperant resposta... 200 OK
> *Longitud: no especificat [text/html]*
> S'està desant a: «parsedit.php?DCM_HOR&DCM_VERT&BIN_HOR&BIN_VERT»

    [ <=>                                   ] 9.182       --.-K/s   en
> 0,01s
> 2012-10-13 02:51:16 (779 KB/s) - s'ha desat
> «parsedit.php?DCM_HOR&DCM_VERT&BIN_HOR&BIN_VERT» [9182]
> "Longitud: no especificat [text/html]" translates as: "Longitude: not
> specified [text/html]"
> is this an error? it seems that it doesn't upload/download anything...

You need to add the 'immediate' key. My bad again. But you'll have to print
the contents of the response if you would like to actually see the
parameters values.

Try the following:
Create test.php:

> <?
> $r = file_get_contents("
> ");
> echo $r;
> ?>

Then launch it from a browser:

> http:/localhost/.../test.php

 or a command line:

> $php test.php

In the command line you'll see something like:

> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <parameters>
>   <DCM_HOR>1</DCM_HOR>
>   <BIN_HOR>1</BIN_HOR>
>   <EXPOS>19883</EXPOS>
> </parameters>

If you specify values for the parameters they'll be applied. The response
will read an old value though - so you would need to do one more read.

shouldn't it be something like this?:
> wget "
> http://elphel/parsedit.php?immediate&DCM_HOR=2&DCM_VERT=2&BIN_HOR=2&BIN_VERT=2<http://elphel/parsedit.php?DCM_HOR&DCM_VERT&BIN_HOR&BIN_VERT>
> "
> but this again only sets up skpping at half res. and pixel-binning "at
> half res." (by avraging) isn't it?

Yes, that's correct.

how do I get the luminous advantage of pixel binning (by summing)?

We don't have this setting in the upper level parameters. Do you have the
datasheet for the sensor?

I looked it up. You can switch between summing and averaging in register
0x20, bit 5.

The commands from the camera terminal are:

> fpcf -i2cr16 4820 1


> fpcf -i2cw16 4820 0x60 - enable summing

fpcf -i2cw16 4820 0x40 - switch back to averaging

Where 0x[48] is the I2C sensor's address, 0x[20] - register address.

You can connect to the camera through telnet. Or go http://elphel ->
Terminal and type the commands there.

This way of changing the sensor parameters will not be in sync with the
frames' exposure period - so you might be getting a transitional broken

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
Elphel, Inc.
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