[Elphel-support] binning modes, sum and average, how to change them?

Biel Bestué de Luna 7318.tk at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 17:55:21 PDT 2012

Oleg, I'm sorry but I seem not to be getting anywhere, What I meant with
all this is to:

1 - check out how much light do I gain from pixel binning (by suming) vs
pixel binning (by averaging)

2 - get a way to control this difference between pixel binning methods

once I get connected to the camera (where I can already use a script that
already controls a lot of parameters from the camera, and sets up the
camera to my liking)...

what do I gain from typing?:

wget "http://elphel/parsedit.php?DCM_HOR&DCM_VERT&BIN_HOR&BIN_VERT"

I get the following:

--2012-10-13 02:51:15--
Resolent elphel (elphel)...
S'està connectant a elphel (elphel)||:80... conectat.
HTTP: Petició enviada, esperant resposta... 200 OK
*Longitud: no especificat [text/html]*
S'està desant a: «parsedit.php?DCM_HOR&DCM_VERT&BIN_HOR&BIN_VERT»

    [ <=>                                   ] 9.182       --.-K/s   en

2012-10-13 02:51:16 (779 KB/s) - s'ha desat
«parsedit.php?DCM_HOR&DCM_VERT&BIN_HOR&BIN_VERT» [9182]

"Longitud: no especificat [text/html]" translates as: "Longitude: not
specified [text/html]"
is this an error? it seems that it doesn't upload/download anything...

shouldn't it be something like this?:

wget "

but this again only sets up skpping at half res. and pixel-binning "at half
res." (by avraging) isn't it?

how do I get the luminous advantage of pixel binning (by summing)?
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