[Elphel-support] raw file from elphel

Venkat Subbiah venkat at magnasinc.com
Wed Oct 10 23:58:30 PDT 2012


I would like read a raw file off the camera, and I would like to read it
before any processing. i.e I want the raw pixels in the Bayer pattern as I
don't want to apply any filters while doing demosacing etc.


I see this link and this goes into converting into jpeg etc, but what I
am interested in just getting the raw pixel values.

Also Is there a mode I can put the camera into to save the file without any
compression, so that it is easy to read the file out. i.e put it something
like a BMP mode, where no kind of compression is used. When no compression
is used it would also be very easy to read the file.

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