[Elphel-support] starting an article...

flavio soares qazav3.0 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 07:38:31 PDT 2012

Hi guys,

Thanks for the feedback. I'll see if I can update the text this week, based
on your observations.

I'll also write the part concerning "elphel keeps disconnecting - how to
fix it". I found out what my problem was and it was different from Carlos'.
In my case, wicd and network-manager would try to auto-connect to existing
wireless networks and would disconnect Elphel in the process. This only
happened in my laptop (Debian Testing) and not in my desktop (Debian

I ended up creating a cable network profile with fixed IP so that the
computer would bring the interface up on boot and connect to Elphel
automatically. It will not try any other attempt to connect to other
networks (such as wifi) and drop the connection.

rock on!

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