[Elphel-support] Recording fullHD JP4 being limited to 7 seconds

flavio soares qazav3.0 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 10:53:17 PDT 2012

Hello, everyone,

I've rechecked pretty much everything, found an easy way to connect
the camera directly to a PC (I'll update the info at the wiki page),
installed GStreamer and everything is working fine. I haven't really
studied GStreamer's documentation to feel comfortable about changing
the parameters, but that will come with time.

So now I can see and debayer the live streaming at a lower resolution,
as expected. (an observation: the documentation on "how to install"
and run GStreamer is quite good and the examples work. I have an issue
on compiling for 32bits, where is the best place to get in touch with
them? for 64 bits everything if fine).

As to recording, I noticed that when I fix a video to be, say,
1024x768 in camvc, I refresh Elphel's page in Firefox/Iceweasel and
that information is updated in the "disk recorder" section. I notice,
however, that when I set camvc to have:

Video Streamer: on;
Limit the frame rate: on;
Frame rate limit: 25 fps;
Mantain the frame rate: on.

Up there, right below the icons, it shows me this:
1024x768 @ 63.591 (in blue color, as expected) fps --- 47k.

I mention this just to be sure I'm passing the right information.

Now, this is what the web page shows me when I update it:

Filename:	-
Image Resolution:	1024 x 768
JPEG Quality	80 %
Framerate:	63.754 fps
Record Time:	-
File Size:	-
Data Rate:	-
Data Rate:	-

The question is: if I fixed my framerate to be 25 fps, why doesn't it
update here? Also, I see at the recorded videos that they are being
recorded at this same fps, see below mplayer's (edited) output:

livre at laika:~/Desktop$ mplayer
[lavf] stream 0: video (mjpeg), -vid 0
VIDEO:  [jpeg]  1024x768  24bpp  63.694 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)

I guess that by fixing this issue, we'll be quite ready to do a first
testing recording. =)

Also, I will update my CF card then. It will give us a lot of
mobility. So, I'll wait for your advice on which card exactly shoulf
we buy. I believe a 8GB will be good enough, but it can be a 16GB. I
also found the tests we made here quite important, so I'll also update
this info at the wiki.

Cheers everyone, and thanks for the help!


2012/4/26, Andrey Filippov <support-list at support.elphel.com>:
> Flavio,
> That you for the nice words. The link a gave you is posted to the public
> mailing list, and it is hosted on the public server, so there is no secret
> about it and you  may show it (all the content on the that server is
> released under the GNU FDL 1.3). We just did not want to make much buzz
> about it yet - these are our first images with the new series of the
> cameras and there is a lot to be done yet, and there are many processing
> parameters to tweak - i took them from the previous camera settings (i.e.
> some de-mosaic artifacts are visible). But we definitely consider it a
> proof that our concepts worked, the difference with the first Eyesis that
> had the same sensors and same lenses (not to count the top fisheye) is
> significant. We will publish more details later - so far we were very busy
> as we had to make our first customers to wait extra 4 months - we had to
> completely redesign and re-build the critical part of the cameras - the
> sensor front end mechanics.
> We are going to demonstrate the new camera together with the camera
> calibration machine and the process of calibration at this year SIGGRAPH in
> Los Angeles (https://www.google.com/search?q=siggraph+elphel) - the booth
> number is different as we had to increase the size - could not fit in 3x3
> meters.
> Andrey
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 2:48 AM, flavio soares <qazav3.0 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  With Eyesis we use 97-98%, but that is only because we use aberration
>>> correction by de-convolution that amplifies the noise and artifacts. BTW
>>> -
>>> here are our last panoramas made with the new camera (viewing requires
>>> good
>>> videocard and WebGL-capable browser)
>>> http://community.elphel.com/files/eyesis/pano-db-3/webgl_panorama_editor.html?kml=mainstreet_ro.kml&proto=mainstreet_ro.kml&ntxt=2&as_camera=95&start=result_1334548264_780764_1.jpeg&range=95&labels=false&keepzoom=false&closest2d=false&seethrough=0.4&transition=5&mask=&azimuth=23.2&elevation=-70.5&zoom=0.386&follow=false&mv3d=false
>> o.O
>> Man, this is really impressive. Is this link public, I mean, can I show it
>> around?
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