[Elphel-support] The sensivities of the sensors in the near infrared range

Petri Välisuo petri.valisuo at uwasa.fi
Mon May 23 15:00:59 PDT 2011


Does anyone know about the sensivitities of the sensors used in the
Elphel models in near infrared range. We would need more sensitivity
around 800 nm range than provided by Aptina MT9P001. We already
have a camera version without additional NIR filter installed, but the
sensitivity of the sensor itself may be poor in NIR. We don't know that
really, since the sensitivity is not mentioned in the specifications by 

Is there any other sensors available for 353 camera model, which would
have better sensitivity in NIR. How about the Kodak CCD sensors?

At least Aptina MT9V032 CMOS sensor is about as sensitive in NIR than
in visible range, but it has rather poor spatial resolution.

Best regards

    -Petri Välisuo

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