[Elphel-support] command example for the command line

Andrey Filippov support-list at support.elphel.com
Mon Mar 14 19:16:05 PDT 2011

David, Sebastien,

ccam.php may not be the optimal way to control these parameters - it is a
large script made to replace functionality of the older ccam.cgi And in 8.x
software you do not need to do anything more than write the new parameter to
apply it. This script may be relatively slow, I would recommend making a
small one that controls just the parameters you need - the snapfull.php  (
can be an example of such script. It saves the current values of the
parameters that are to be modified, modifies them,acquires 1 image and
changes parameters back. It was designed to acquire full resolution
snapshots with minimal interruption to the simultaneous streaming of lower
resolution video.

To experiment with the parameters (or just change them manually) I would
recommend using parsedit.php. There are usage examples on the page (if the camera ip is in default state),
alternatively you may get there from -
select parameters group and press view/edit selected - it will generate
parsedit.php with the list of parameters. On that generated page you may
hover mouse pointer over the parameter - it will show short explanation of

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