[Elphel-support] Web based elphelVision, PHP thoughts, mods

Gary Mort garyamort at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 05:01:01 PST 2011

On 1/28/2011 4:29 AM, Sebastian Pichelhofer wrote:
> Hi Gary, sounds like a very interesting project.
> I assume you have already seen the Apertus project? www.apertus.org 
> <http://www.apertus.org>

Yes, that seems devoted more to adding the additional items needed for 
making a full fledged movie camera.  This  might be of interest to the 
local Hudson Valley Film Commission over in Woodstock, NY. 
I planned on passing on that link to them once I find out more. :-)

> and the work-in progress viewfinder software Elphelvision: 
> http://apertus.org/elphelvision
> Its main focus is video recording but it also has photo features.

Yes, my main thought was to start with replicating the functionality I'm 
interested in from the elphelvision as PHP with an ajax based interface.

Nothing against Java, but it takes me ten times as much time to code in 
Java...and I don't really like it.  I'd rather make the project "fun" 
for me and use PHP.

> You mentioned that you dont plan to add any kind of viewfinder 
> (optical or electronic), but I am afraid this would make it very 
> dificult to focus the lens and frame the image properly.
> How do you plan to control the camera settings without a laptop/tablet?

Doh...sorry, the eventual plan would be to use a touchscreen LCD.  As 
long as the design is built as a web client I can use a laptop, a 
tablet, an iphone, an android phone, or a local[to the camera] monitor.  
I also want to stick to HTML5 as it not only makes it easier to use 
modern smartphones, it adds some extra options[local storage/local 
database] to make for a rich/smart interface.


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