[Elphel-support] Web based elphelVision, PHP thoughts, mods

Gary Mort garyamort at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 20:58:28 PST 2011

On 1/27/2011 5:19 PM, Oleg K Dzhimiev wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> Thanks for your interest.
>     DSLR's are out of my range.....and while the Elphel components are
>     the same cost, looking at the layout I can purchase components a
>     over time and hack around with it to eventually achieve the camera
>     she desires.
> Are you looking for a 'mobile' camera to be able to walk around (in 
> our case with a battery and a laptop =) )?

No laptop, but otherwise yes.  Someting along the lines of the  
NC353L-369-HDD with a battery pack and an SSD SATA drive.  Initially 
using the small 5Mpx sensor, but since we will build it ourselves, she 
has the option to upgrade to a bigger sensor later.  :-)

Of course, an added benefit to the "build yourself" model is that she 
can design her own case for it.  So using a service like 
Ponoko[http://www.ponoko.com/] she can design the case and have it made 
out of wood as opposed to plastic or metal to add to the cool factor[and 
fit in with the hippy woodstock crowd...:-)]  As you can see from 
products like 
http://www.ponoko.com/make-your-own/toys/flying-car-6mm--5116 it is 
possible to create very unique and distinctive 3-d designs just using 
laser-cut wood.

I expect this to be a matter of stages, first as I mentioned is for me 
to make an initial pass at getting a workable PHP programming model to 
setup the controls she will need and test them out.....  from there it 
will be move on to actually getting a board/sensor physically setup 
locally and testing things out, while she reviews the spec sizes and 
works out her camera case design, then finally build packaging and testing.

I figured as a first pass, I'd post to the list here to make sure that 
there wasn't any big showstoppers or reasons not to do things the way I 
want to do them.....  I'm also aware that one of the reasons for the 
DSLR popularity is the viewfinder which lets the photographer actually 
see what the lens is pointing at without adding digital translation... 
but my wife doesn't particularly care about THAT.  Her main goal is fast 
shutter time[as her primary subject matter is our children and a few 
seconds delay between pushing the button and having the picture captured 
is sufficient to turn the perfect picture into the perfect goof when 
dealing with 3 and 5 year olds.]

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