[Elphel-support] Web based elphelVision, PHP thoughts, mods

Oleg K Dzhimiev oleg at elphel.com
Thu Jan 27 14:19:25 PST 2011

Hi Gary,

Thanks for your interest.

DSLR's are out of my range.....and while the Elphel components are the same
> cost, looking at the layout I can purchase components a over time and hack
> around with it to eventually achieve the camera she desires.
Are you looking for a 'mobile' camera to be able to walk around (in our case
with a battery and a laptop =) )?

With the added benefit that it has an existing PHP api and I am a PHP coder,
> so I can code everything for her precise desires.
Yes, you can.

It would be really interesting to see your ideas implemented.

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
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