[Elphel-support] fighting heat

Michael Aschauer m at ash.to
Tue Sep 14 11:59:37 PDT 2010

> Michael,
> What kinds of problems because of the heat are you having? Maybe there
> is some hardware defect (the factory had some problems wit the quality
> of soldering Axis ETRAX ship, we fixed it together last winter). So
> cameras should be able to run really hot.

several. but as it worked well before and I was not prepared for serious 
debugging on location,  I have yet to reproduce these failures. also I 
did not know about the temperature readings in the system preferences 

* constant reboot cycles. camera starting up until sensor is running. 
reboot again .. and so on. It normally took me around half another to 
exchange cables, switch voltage setting until it finally worked (at 
least for a while)
I credit my power supply (battery) therefore, at least I was able to 
reproduce it at home with battery (also I tried to measure supplied 
voltage, but did not find anything wrong there) but not yet with power 
(I have serial logs from these tests if that is of any interest)

* random crashes of sensor or compressor. linux system of camera is 
still up and running but no new pictures delivered anymore (both via 
imageserv and streamer)

* there was at least on time the camera stopped working as described 
above when I touched it and it was really, really(!) hot. so I thought 
it could be the tied to the reason, but it was just right time to go 
off-board (so missed to further examine here)


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