[Elphel-support] camera bricked after re-flashing to elphel353-8.0.9 :(

Ákos Maróy akos at maroy.hu
Wed Nov 17 09:11:20 PST 2010

On 18/11/10 00:14, Andrey Filippov wrote:
> Akos,
> Did you put the camera in netboot mode ("yellow led lights up
> constantly, while the green led flashes
> vigorously for a while.") before starting the program? This is safer,


I tried both ways:

- start the netboot program, then do the netboot mode on the camera (as
advised by the wiki page)
- netboot mode on the camera (flashy green lights), then start the
netboot script, while the green light still flashes

I get the same effect :(

> because if the program starts first and you connect/disconnect cable one
> more time after it already entered netboot mode, the program can be
> already past the  first part of the "dialog" with the camera and that
> communication will break after camera is back into the "start" state.
> Netboot mode is turned on by analog capacitor-based circuitry, so there
> is no exact number of connections/disconnections needed to switch -
> usually it happens on 3-rd, fourth or fifth time.

yes, it happens something like that

> But in your case it seems that something is wrong in either the software
> built or maybe even some permissions for accessing Ethernet port. Can
> you please compress and send build.log file (it should be in the top
> installation directory)?

sure, it's quite large, so I'll send in private. although I have to
point out, the build did not go through (see my mail about the failing
build). but, I'm trying to flash the 'stock' 8.0.9 image, not the one I
build. I just entered the build process so that I have the netboot
script and the etraxfsboot & related executables around...


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