[Elphel-support] camera bricked after re-flashing to elphel353-8.0.9 :(

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Wed Nov 17 08:14:44 PST 2010


Did you put the camera in netboot mode ("yellow led lights up constantly,
while the green led flashes
vigorously for a while.") before starting the program? This is safer,
because if the program starts first and you connect/disconnect cable one
more time after it already entered netboot mode, the program can be already
past the  first part of the "dialog" with the camera and that communication
will break after camera is back into the "start" state. Netboot mode is
turned on by analog capacitor-based circuitry, so there is no exact number
of connections/disconnections needed to switch - usually it happens on 3-rd,
fourth or fifth time.

But in your case it seems that something is wrong in either the software
built or maybe even some permissions for accessing Ethernet port. Can you
please compress and send build.log file (it should be in the top
installation directory)?

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