[Elphel-support] elphel LiveDVD 2.0 download

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Mon Nov 1 21:04:28 PDT 2010

> Why did you pick kubuntu over xubuntu or ubuntu?

Tom, just for historical reasons - I used to use Suse before. And the
computers I have around run Kubuntu (9.10,10.4) so if you'll get some
problems I can try to reproduce it here,  on one of the Elphel
computers without googling or asking somebody else. I do not know is
it the same or different, for example to install and run the required
KDevelop 3 on one of those other distributions you mentioned.

> there are lots of support for virtual machines, we could write a page on your wiki about virtual machine options

I'm sure there are many, I just am concerned that if there will be
problems with building the camera image or booting the camera over the
network if the camera flash would be corrupted for some reasons (i.e.
incorrect reflashing), Internet search will not provide you with the
instructions. I will not be able to help you either as I do not have
other systems installed and I do not have experience with them. But
you may still post you questions in this list - there is a chance
somebody will be able to help you.


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