[Elphel-support] linescan mode

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Mon May 31 09:35:57 PDT 2010

Hallo Michael,

in automatic mode both are calculated automatically, VIRT_WIDTH is kept to
the minimal value allowed by the sensor  specs (the shorter the line time
the less distortion form the electronic rolling shutter) and VIRT_HEIGHT is
adjusted to limit the frame rate while obeying sensor specs
(9<=vertical_blank<=2047) - the vertical blank is calculated as a difference
VIRT_HEIGHT-WOI_HEIGHT-4 (4 comes from exrta pixels used for color
interpolation). You may watch the vertical blank value as SENSOR_REGS6
parameter in parsedit.php, just don't change it (or do that with care) as
the software will get "confused". You will also need to set VIRT_KEEP=1 to
disable automatic VIRT_HEIGHT adjustment.

What is the line pairs/sec rate are you looking for in your application. If
it is slow enough you will be able to run sensor in triggered mode - mode
when the frame rate is precisely controlled by the fpga generator, where the
period is specified in pixel clock cycles (96MHz). But the maximal frame
rate is lower in that mode - each frame includes additionally 8 lines time
+exposure time

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