[Elphel-support] combining frames

Andreas Bean office at beanbox.com
Thu Mar 18 10:57:07 PDT 2010

Hello Oleg,

Thank you for fixing these issues!

Can you answer me please the following question:
For a 4 sensor setup, how many 359 boards do I need? And, what would be
necessary to combine 4 frames into one image? Can that be done? Because
I'm currently working on a panorama camera like the one of Sebastian and
Andrey, but I mine is a two sensor setup. Basically it's working but the
quality is not satisfying. That's why it might be interesting to extend
it to a 4 sensor version.


Oleg Dzhimiev schrieb:
> Dear Andreas,
> Sorry it took me so long - was busy with other things.
> I just added an option by which the start of the direct channel allows
> buffering the second channel. It was less strict before and somehow
> buffering could happen one trigger earlier than direct transition.
> Could you please try the latest bitstream (I tried it with my camera
> and so far it works fine):
> http://elphel.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/elphel/elphel353-8.0/fpga/x359/x359.bit
> Also found and corrected a bug when you could get broken buffered
> frames if the trigger period was so small that the it occurred before
> the buffered frame was read. And in this case an error writes to
> memory were made.
> Oleg
> On 8 March 2010 00:33, Oleg Dzhimiev <andersonnotgood at gmail.com
> <mailto:andersonnotgood at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Andreas,
>     1. Can you sometimes get correct frames when you switch on this
>     mode? Or is this a permanent problem?
>     2. Can the delay disappear if you make stop-start to the mode?
>     In any case, I'll try to reproduce it.
>     Best regards,
>     Oleg
>     On 7 March 2010 14:26, Andreas Bean <office at beanbox.com
>     <mailto:office at beanbox.com>> wrote:
>         Hello Oleg,
>         There is a problem with the combining frames mode. On the combined
>         picture the frames are not taken at the same time.
>         There is a difference of one frame. Do you know why?
>         Andreas

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