[Elphel-support] reflashing problem over net-boot

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Sat Feb 13 08:24:27 PST 2010

I often used the trig mode 4 settings over parsedit (

Whenever I forget to go from this mode back in standard mode and I turn off
the camera, next time, the camera doesn´t boot. I can´t connect to the
camera - no way. I forgot several times last year and I had to reflash every
time again! Maybe it´s a bug!


That definitely seems to be a bug that we need to reproduce in our cameras
and fix. So did you use aurocampars.php (or direcly edited config files) to
make TRIG=4 default mode auto boot? Just changing the (running) parameters
in the camera can not change camera behavior during next boot, the values
have to be written to flash memory.

And I understand - you do not have 10369 board with the serial console,
correct? With the console you can see all the boot messages even in the case
camera doe not get to the network.

> By the way, I get an archive error for 8.0.7. So I wanted to uploading the
> 8.0.5 again.
> What kind of  "archive error" ? During unpacking or when you run
installation? If it is the second - can you archive and send the "build.log"
file from the top of the installation directory?

BTW - did you try
it installs the software from the CVS repository.

> No flashing... I have already changed the patch5 cable without success. No,
> the camera becomes not warm after 10 minutes! I tried it on two PC´s.
> But, if I connect the camera about the normal way with PSU and plugin the
> cable, the yellow led lights - the green is dead. But the camera is not
> responding about tcp. A query about "ping" runs in timeout!
> OK, so camera gets the power (otherwise yellow LED will not turn on). Does
not "become warm" - you probably did not wait long enough or did not notice
the temperature difference (you could wrap the camera with some warm clothes
and leave it on for a longer time), but that might be needed to find out if
the camera gets power only if LEDs were completely dead.

How long (in seconds) does it take between the cable is inserted and the
yellow LED turns on? What happens if you try  to repeat 5 times (5 seconds
"ON" 3 seconds "OFF") and then finally leave "ON" - what is the delay
between last powering and the yellow LED going on?

How did you reflash the camera - from the Live DVD or just a computer
running GNU/Linux?

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