[Elphel-support] Setting width and height

Richard Rigby rrigby at redzone.com
Mon Mar 12 17:57:37 PDT 2018

Hi there,

I'm trying to set the camera width and height, however I'm not able to get
the exact values that I set.

For example when I set:
width = 800
height = 600

The values applied are:
width = 800
height = 592

when I set:
width = 2016
height = 1528

the values applied are:
width = 2016
height = 1520

Why is it that I'm not able to get the exact same values that I set and is
there any way to get that to happen?

Many thanks.

*Richard Rigby*
Software Developer


 Ph: +64 9 479 9901

Fax: +64 9 479 9904

13 Tarndale Grove • Albany • Auckland 0632 • New Zealand
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