[Elphel-support] auto exposure on multi sensor setup & binning question.

Oleg support-list at support.elphel.com
Wed May 31 13:15:48 PDT 2017


> Also we have a problem in the Camogm recording application, we use fast
> recording (without partition).
> When I press record, I get a warning about a buffer underrun. If click
> away the message, recording starts and the buffers stay full.
> When I forget to OK the warning, the elphel becomes unresponsive on the
> http interface after a while and it looks if the recording task hangs.
> A reboot doesn't work as it never reboots, we had to power off the camera
> to get it going again. After reboot the recording is lost from what I see.
We will try to fix in the next few days.
What happens is:
* the page sends status requests to the camogm program through php - if
camogm does not answer - a php instance keeps waiting - when lighttpd
reaches max php instances (4) the http gets unresponsive.
* it looks like at the same time camogm's command queue gets full and it

How to recover:
* close camogm page (as it is sending status requests)
* ssh and: $ /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart
* Open camogm page

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
Elphel, Inc.
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