[Elphel-support] Collecting Visual Inertial Data with NC353L-369-IMU-GPS

Oleg support-list at support.elphel.com
Wed Jun 29 18:53:33 PDT 2016


> 1. Is there a way to transmit the imu log and images to a PC directly
> instead of recording them in the camera?
The camera's network is 100Mb.

Individual images can be downloaded from: (use
There is a way to trigger image acquisition from http requiest:

b. as for IMU data
I haven't tried this - you can try to create an nfs partition on you PC and
mount it on the camera - then try to store the log. Not sure if this is
fast enough.
IMU is 2.5kHz - the network is slower but I could think of a way to send a
buffered log or something like this...

2. I tried to record the Image in the disk. However, when it gets to 19.63
> MB the program just stopped immediately. Could you please let me know if
> there is a way to solve it?
It's most likely the CF card is not mounted.
Could you send me the output of the following commands:
a. dmesg
b. mount

3. In the first email I exchanged with you, I asked if there was a ROS
> implementation of the camera interface. Could you please give some
> information as well?
Never tried it.
Basically it is a standalone ip camera and doesn't need a pc driver. The
images are updated at:


If ROS tools support multipart jpeg then:


What's your pc os, btw?

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
Elphel, Inc.
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