[Elphel-support] Question on the 323-2 cameras

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Sat Jul 30 23:51:11 PDT 2016


Yes, increasing exposure time was discussed, I'll try to help if something will not work or is not clear.

Automation what your are asking for should work with HTTP GET requests that you can send from any programming language. You probably also noticed that you do not need both connectors - they were only needed to get frame period of 1.5 sec. With longer readouts you can read the full frame through a single port (port 0 - it is the one that controls the acquisition).

Files that you need to look into (after unpacking archive) are elphel_6.3.3.8/elphelcamera/apps/ccd/genpars:
 <td><a href= "ccd.cgi?image"    target="_blank">Get fast</a><br>
                                                                    Get previous, start new<br>
                                                                    if any parameters where<br>
                                                                    changed, will work as<br>
                                                                    <b>New image</b></td>
So that will be http://camera_ip/ccd.cgi?image - such request will return previously acquired image and initiate acquisition of a new one.

Getting 14 bits should be possible, but I do not remember the details as so many generations of the camera system boards were build after that 10313 system board.Most registers are described as comments in x313.v file that is a part of the archive (it is available at Sourceforge and in the file system of the camera itself). On the other hand it will not give you too much as the full well capacity of this sensor is not too high (because of the electronic shutter) and when you use non-linear conversion (gamma is regulated) you are getting most of the sensor data digitized to 14 bits through just 8. I do not remember the FWC of the KAI11002 and believe that with 14 (linear) bits you may get not more than just twice better result than with 8 (non-linear). So before digging into the code to restore the 14-bit mode I would try to measure - how much are you loosing with non-linear 8 bits.

elphel_6.3.3.8/elphelcamera/apps/ccd/genpars/ccd.c is a source for ccd.cgi. You may experiment with ccam.cgi?image=w and then ccam.cgi?image.raw - maybe there is a simple way to get 14-bit data.

Or maybe somebody who got the same camera already figured that out?

The newer camera that uses the same sensor is still old (9.5 yrs) and there were only 10 or so built, we have only one left. And unfortunately we do not have any boards left.


---- On Sat, 30 Jul 2016 11:36:36 -0700 Mitch Davister <mdavister at verizon.net> wrote ---- 

   I have an Elphel 323-2 camera that I want to use for the large sensor size in a long exposure application (astronomy).  The issue of maximum exposure was addressed (but I haven’t had time to try it out yet).  I did have some other questions about utilizing the camera.  First the web interface is limited, is there a tutorial or other software to command the camera to automate some aspects of the image capture?  For instance “Take x number of exposures and download the files to this directory”?  I am comfortable in programming with Visual Basic, C, and VHDL, so writing a custom app is an option, just need a little direction as how to get the data/commands to and from the camera.  I would also like to know how to get the raw 14 bit data from the camera instead of just the 8 bit raw information, is it possible?
 Another question is: I noticed that Elphel has a newer camera that utilizes the same KAI-11002 sensor, is that camera available as a kit without the sensor?
 Mitch Davister

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