[Elphel-support] recording questions for NC353L-369-IMU-GPS

Yan Lu sinoluyan at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 15:09:26 PDT 2016

Hi Elphel,

I'm using a NC353L-369-IMU-GPS that comes with a 16G CF card.
I'm recording images to the CF card, with settings:  jp46 format, as a mov
file, 1248x960 @ 20fps (trigger mode = 4).  In the same time, I also record
IMU data using /usr/local/bin/log_imu.
The script I'm running on the camera has been attached.

I have been experiencing a couple of problems as follows.

1. Sometimes, after running the script, an error immediately happens,
"Opened /dev/imu at position 0x8c63b00
Rewind back by 160000 to 0x8c3ca00"
When this error comes out, no video file is created or recorded, but a imu
log file. However, when I disable IMU recording, this error seems to
disappear also. I don't understand why IMU logging can possibly affect the
video recording.

2. Oftentimes, the recording starts recording successfully, but after
around 4-5 min, errors come out repeatedly "camogm.c:line 1385 - error=6
writev error 9 (returned -1, expected 289833)".
When this error happens,  the video size is around 2.1GB. I wonder why it
happens in the middle of the recording.

Any advice or solutions would be appreciated.



killall camogm;
killall autoexposure;

if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then

#start IMU
/usr/local/bin/log_imu imu.log $IMU_IDX&

camogm /var/state/camogm_cmd &

echo "status; exif 1; format=mov; duration=6000; length=10000000000;
status=/var/tmp/camogm.status" > /var/state/camogm_cmd &

echo "Camogm has started and is waiting for recording..."


echo "Started recording..."

echo "status; exif=1; format=mov; duration=6000; length=10000000000;
status=/var/tmp/camogm.status" > /var/state/camogm_cmd &
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