[Elphel-support] Corrupted frames with elphel stereo camera.

Daniel Olmeda daniel.olmeda at treelogic.com
Mon Apr 20 10:19:45 PDT 2015


I'm seeing corrupted frames coming from an elphel 353 stereo camera using the rtsp protocol. The problem appears randomly while capturing using OpenCv, but not with VLC, as far as I know. 

The camera is configured as follows: TRIG_CONDITION =0& TRIG =4& DAEMON_EN_AUTOEXPOSURE =0& AUTOEXP_ON =0& DCM_VERT =2& DCM_HOR=2&EXPOS=12000 & COLOR =1& TRIG_PERIOD=4800000 

An example of a corrupted frame can be found here: 


Thanks in advance, 

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