[Elphel-support] Remove email

Alexandre Poltorak a.poltorak at foxel.ch
Tue Nov 18 22:53:29 PST 2014


this link is in all email on the list. At the end of this page you have the unsubscribe link. 

Best regards, 
Alexandre Poltorak 

Office: +41 22 341 3300 
Mobile: +41 79 696 4225 
Email: a.poltorak at foxel.ch 
Web: www.foxel.ch 

Chemin de Champ-Claude 10 
1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland 

PGP Key ID 2995F18F I prefer encrypted mail. 
If you have not yet begun using encrypted email, you may find the following link useful, https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/ 

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Ce courrier électronique peut contenir des informations couvertes par le secret professionnel et doit être considéré comme confidentiel. Si vous avez reçu ce courrier électronique par erreur, merci de le détruire. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire de ce message, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à en révéler le contenu ni à en faire usage. 

----- Mail original -----

| De: "Arash Deyhimi" <ADeyhimi at cbs.com>
| À: Support-list at support.elphel.com
| Envoyé: Mardi 18 Novembre 2014 21:22:14
| Objet: Re: [Elphel-support] Remove email

| Yes, me too. Please remove me from this list. There is nothing on your
| website that allows me to unsubscribe.

| From: Support-list [mailto:support-list-bounces at support.elphel.com] On Behalf
| Of Luke McKay
| Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 2:15 PM
| To: Support-list at support.elphel.com
| Subject: [Elphel-support] Remove email

| Can you please remove me from this list?

| Thank you,

| Luke McKay

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