[Elphel-support] Issue with nc353l-369

Riccardo Di Roberto rickdiro at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 06:23:39 PDT 2014

Dear Oleg,
Thank you very much for your reply.
I delayed my response in order to have much more elements to ease your assistance.
I checked what was coming out from the serial port, when the ethernet lights were not switching on, and you can find the result in the txt file attached named "bad_blocks_NAND.txt"
There were some bad blocks on the NAND flash, which prevented the camera from booting up.

What I subsequently did was booting my pc using the Elphel LiveUSB that came with the camera.
Then I downloaded the latest 353 firmware image from Sourceforge (http://sourceforge.net/projects/elphel/files/elphel353-8/8.2.16/), extracted its contents and placed the "8.2.16" folder inside the "nfs" folder in the LiveUSB OS.
I then tried using the netboot application, but since the boot percentage window was painfully slow (1% progress every 15-20 minutes), I realized there was a misconfiguration on the network panel: automatic DHCP was set up, so I put the manual mode and entered these values:


then I rebooted the pc.

After this, the netboot app seemed to work nominally, since the boot percentage window was fast, meanwhile I was connected with another PC to the camera serial port, so I could record everything that was happening in the camera during the process.
In this log (which I have attached, named "netboot_result_serial.txt") there are many "not found" errors, but the NAND flash has been correctly erased. The NAND check found 4 bad blocks.

Now every time I try to switch on the camera, the ethernet LEDs are on, but there is no response to the ip, and nothing is shown through serial connection during camera startup (just one of those special characters every reboot).
I tried dragging and dropping the image archive over the netboot application, to no avail. The result is the same.
I think there's an issue when the pc transmits the updated firmware to the camera, so the NAND was erased but nothing was installed.

Is there something I need to edit on the Kubuntu OS in order for the reflash to work?

Thank you very much in advance.


Riccardo Di Roberto - IZ0VXZ
Dept. of Astronautics
School of Aerospace Engineering
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Mobile phone: +39 3283783580
E-mail: rickdiro at gmail.com

Il giorno 08/lug/2014, alle ore 20:44, Oleg <support-list at support.elphel.com> ha scritto:

> Riccardo,
> I am having difficulties turning it on: the lights on the Ethernet port don't start blinking, although everything seems to be connected fine, and I can feel the camera become a little warm after a few minutes.
> When connected to the computer, there is no response on DHCP. The pc doesn't sense anything connected to it.
> I am using the power supply and PoE injector included in the order and the voltage is ok (12V). Other PoE devices run fine with them.
> What can I do in order to troubleshoot it?
> NC353-369 models have a serial port on the right side under the cover plate. Also there should be RS-232, USB cables and adapter - they make up a single cable to allow to connect the cameras serial port to the PC's USB and use some terminal program (we use minicom) to see the output when the camera is booting up.
> Settings:
> Speed: 115200 8N1
> RTS/CTS: None
> XON/XOFF : None
> Best regards,
> Oleg Dzhimiev
> Electronics Engineer
> phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
> Elphel, Inc.

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