[Elphel-support] Issue with nc353l-369

Riccardo Di Roberto rickdiro at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 04:05:49 PDT 2014

Dear Elphel support,

I did an order for one of your cameras through my university department a
couple of years ago: we bought a NC353L-369 camera. The S/N is
000E64081B8A, and it's a 12-36V version.
The camera has not been operated in months, and no one has ever unmounted
it or altered its software.
Now I am starting to work on it for my remote sensing project.

I am having difficulties turning it on: the lights on the Ethernet port
don't start blinking, although everything seems to be connected fine, and I
can feel the camera become a little warm after a few minutes.
When connected to the computer, there is no response on DHCP. The pc
doesn't sense anything connected to it.
I am using the power supply and PoE injector included in the order and the
voltage is ok (12V). Other PoE devices run fine with them.

What can I do in order to troubleshoot it?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Riccardo Di Roberto

Riccardo Di Roberto - IZ0VXZ
Dept. of Astronautics
School of Aerospace Engineering
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Mobile phone: +39 3283783580 <+39%203283783580>
E-mail: rickdiro at gmail.com
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