[Elphel-support] captured image location in memory

Oleg support-list at support.elphel.com
Thu Aug 21 13:29:43 PDT 2014

Hello Gaurav,

1. when camera ON then it provide us blurred image. so how to overcome??
What kind of lens do you have?
One possible problem can be is that you are using CS mount lens with
CS-to-C 5mm adapter ring -

> 2. when camera ON then it is blinking continuously so what it means ?? is
> it video recording or image capturing ??
The blinking green led means the camera is connected to a network - network
packets. Recording or capturing is is not indicated anyhow.
Solid orange - power.

3. i want to capture  a image (say for reference image) and then by
> rotating camera some degree i want to capture another image (say current
> image) after that i want to perform correlation between reference image and
> current image.
Store the images and perform correlation if you have a program that does it.

> 4. i want to reprogram fpga for finding correlation , so i should know
> storage location of my current image and reference image so can you please
> tell me where image is store in memory??
That's a difficult question and I cannot answer it right away as I don't
know. Could you please have a look at the verilog simulation of the

Are you intending to run correlation over compressed images or raw data?

> 5. when image is captured then are you applying any kind of image
> processing operation and then image is stored in camera.??
After the image is captured - the raw pixel data is converted and
compressed into a chosen image format. No other processing is performed.

> 6. I successfully generate a x353.bit file but for rebooting camera i
> unplug Ethernet cable and after 1 minute i plug it again, so it is rebooted
> but there is no message popup for ensuring that it is rebooted and is it
> right way to reboot camera??
Did you meet the timing constraints?

a. Not clear. You don't have to wait for 1 min - just unplug and plug the
cable to the camera network port and wait until it boots for ~1min. But if
you copied something on the camera it's better to run sync over the
filesystem first, in a browser:

So, it's not rebooted if the power supply is on and left connected to the

b. if you have Linux, run terminal and type:

> telnet

root/pass to login, then type:

> sync

reboot -f

You can perform this from any telnet program.

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
Elphel, Inc.
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