[Elphel-support] questions

Oleg support-list at support.elphel.com
Fri Apr 25 11:09:52 PDT 2014


I  also want to ask a question about frame rate.I got to konw that the
> frame rate can get 15fps at full resolution at least from your
> web.Frame rate can get higher to 25fps at least when adjust resolution
> lower .But I see the frame rate is 2fps at full resolution,and when I
> lower the resolution or higher the parameter of frame rate manually,
> the frame rate can not change actully(the vedio of camera is not
> influent at all).Please tell me the reason.

How do you set the frame rate? Free run (default) or TRIG, TRIG_CONDITION
and TRIG_PERIOD parameters?

How do you check frame rate? In the camera control interface?
Sometimes it can be incorrect. If the number is green then exposure is
short enough for the maximum fps. If red - then exposure limits the frame
What's the exposure time? Set it to 10 ms, for example.

The better way to check the fps:

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
Elphel, Inc.
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