[Elphel-support] stereo camera with BW CCD

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Sat Sep 7 11:37:14 PDT 2013


The imgsrv - image server on port 8081 has a mini-help page - just open http://<camera_ip>:8081 page. This server is for manipulation data in the circular buffer, it also does not depend on the main lighttpd that can get stuck when there are several instances of the PHP busy waiting for some in-camera events (it is possible to increase number in lighttpd configuration, but that increases used memory). BTW, if you get to that (with lighttpd web server stuck waiting) you can just "killall lighttpd" from telnet - server will be automatically restarted, together with 3 (default) PHP instances

Imgsrv has "/trig" command that issues a single trigger if the camera is set to single trigger mode,  but for testing of the corrupted images it may be simpler to just use some definitely slow fps (like 1 FPS) by setting TRIG_PERIOD to 90000000 (it is measured in pixel clock periods, and the default clock is 90 MHz). When you use a single trigger mode you may need several  frames triggers to propagate all the parameter changes through the image acquisition pipeline (sensor+fpga)

300 cable mm should be OK to adjust the phase


---- On Sat, 07 Sep 2013 07:59:42 -0700 drouan <daniel.rouan at obspm.fr> wrote ---- 

Le 5 sept. 2013 à 23:44, support-list <support-list at support.elphel.com> a écrit : 
> Daniel 
> For FPS control I meant using TRIG=4 as described in http://wiki.elphel.com/index.php?title=Trigger 
> TRIG_CONDITION=0 means that the FPGA timer will generate trigger pulses, not the external connector 
OK, this is the basic situation at start. Now, you recommend to test in single frame mode 
"The frame rate can be reduced by going to the external (from the sensor point of view) trigger mode and acquire single frames." 
I did that by setting the TRIG_PERIOD to 1, but how do I retrieve the image ? When I just change TRIG_PERIOD in 
the parameter editor, Firefox is always waiting for a page that does not arrive, and when I do it by 
as mentioned in http://wiki.elphel.com/index.php?title=Trigger#Single_frame_triggering_from_PC 
There is a reply (with changing values at each try) but I do not know how to check the image. I guess it is 
in the circular buffer. 
> Did you try to change height after reducing width (and getting bad images)? 
> Do both sensors work correctly with reduced WOI if only one is used, not both? 
I still have to do that but I'm not at work now. 
A last point : the actual length of the new cable is 30 cm not 20 as I wrote. I guess it's not helping … 
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