[Elphel-support] raw file from elphel

Venkat Subbiah venkat at magnasinc.com
Sun Oct 14 00:52:30 PDT 2012


Is response to this detail on the raw format

"Just sequence of bytes (or 16-bit words) corresponding to
(width+4)*(height+4), where width and height are dimensions you'll get in
normal mode"

Assuming B(1,*) is firt row raw data, B(2,*) is second row raw data and so

1) Then would it be right to say this is the data corresponding to the
first pixel

B(1,1) B(1,2) B (1,3) B(1,4)
B(2,1) B(2,2) B (2,3) B(2,4)
B(3,1) B(3,2) B (3,3) B(3,4)
B(4,1) B(4,2) B (4,3) B(4,4)

2) Now in this data which is the data correspondig to red , green and blue


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