[Elphel-support] JP4 decoding

Troy Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 15:36:12 PDT 2012

I have successfully deblocked the image located at
http://community.elphel.com/files/jp4/example_JP4.jpeg. I have no need
for debayering and have allocated each channel to an independent
channel fully reconstructed at the following resolutions, where oW and
oH is original JPEG width and height respectively:

R = oW / 2 by oH / 2
B = oW / 2 by oH / 2
G = oW / 2 by oH (Interlaced between upper right block and lower left
block as per the breakdowns.)

What is the process to extract the raw format of the image? I am
assuming this to be a native YCbCr from the dcraw code?

I understand there is a color space transform and a transfer curve
transform involved, but I still require the pseudo code to reconstruct
the YCbCr.

Thank you all for your time,

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