[Elphel-support] Need for some details on NC353 models

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Thu Nov 29 19:20:22 PST 2012

Hello Luca,

> 1) which are the characteristics of monochromatic sensor that can replace the color one? Can you write the model name? 
The monochrome sensor we use is Aptina MT9P031|12STM , documentation is available on their web site - http://www.aptina.com/products/image_sensors/mt9p031i12stm/

>2) is it possible to install our home-developed propertary software on camera's CPU and FPGA? We need to do special elaborations on camera to reduce the amount of information to transmit to central control unit and reach higher speed. 
Legally: if you will use the camera in-house only, you can install any software, if you plan to distribute the derivative product, you have to comply with the terms of the GNU GPLv3, you may find more information about licensing on this Elphel Wiki page -  http://wiki.elphel.com/index.php?title=GNU_GPL_FAQ 
Technically: It is possible, but is not very easy to incorporate new piece of the FPGA code in the overall signal path of the camera. I would recommend you to use the additional 10359  (http://wiki.elphel.com/index.php?title=10359 ) board for that purpose - it is easier to reprogram the FPGA than the one on the system board is it is much more "forgiving" to the errors, as the faulty code will not "freeze" the camera processor. The 10359 board has exactly the same FPGA+SDRAM as the camera itself.

3) the Region Of Interest camera system is dynamically (run-time) managed? How many ROIs is possible to manage? What is their size? 
Camera software just uses the hardware WOI of the sensor - it has only one WOI as you may find in the datasheet on Aptina web site.

4) the CPU performances could be poor for some particular applications. Could it be a big problem to replace it with another more performing device? 
Changing the camera CPU is a big problem, definitely - it leads to the complete redesign of the camera. We do plan to upgrade the camera CPU - you may find some details on our development blog: http://blog.elphel.com/2012/10/heptaclops-camera-and-the-393/


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