[Elphel-support] broken files from footage?

flavio soares qazav3.0 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 11:34:25 PST 2012

That's quite odd! That's exactly how it's supposed to look like, how did
you do that? I didn't know that you could actually use movie2dng for single
JP4 files! That changes everything!

This frame was from one of those 'broken' header mov sequences. I used your
php script to break it into JP4 images, but when I tried using elphel_dng,
the colors were shifted, as if inverted. I'll send you a printscreen when I
get home.

Oleg, I think you just saved me some footage! o.O  Thank you very much!

As to movie2dng, I believe a 'for in in `ls *.jp4`; do movie2dng --dng $i;
done' should work then...

2012/11/12 Oleg <support-list at support.elphel.com>

> Hi, Flavio,
> What's seeming odd is that for some files, the dng seems 'out of
>> colours'. Meaning, in this sequence for example, all the colors seem
>> to have faded. And I notice this seems to be the case for some other
>> sequences that presented some error... Any ideas what may be the
>> cause?
> Here's what I got after converting (using movie2dng<http://wiki.elphel.com/index.php?title=Movie2dng>)
> your image -
> http://community.elphel.com/incoming/Videos/1351914544_546877.jpeg.
> Don't know how it should look - so, could you also send/upload a "good"
> jp4 from the same sequence - like 1 frame before or after that frame.
> First thing I'd check is the exif header. There's an online exif-reader -
> http://regex.info/exif.cgi.
> Best regards,
> Oleg Dzhimiev
> Electronics Engineer
> phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
> Elphel, Inc.
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