[Elphel-support] the discussion on the Heptaclops camera

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Thu Nov 1 10:27:11 PDT 2012

Hello Biel,

I'm very sorry but it seems it was my bad idea to move this discussion here, to the support mailing list. There are 95 subscribers to it and I do not want to push our discussion on general sensor basics and technology on them. It is an interesting topic but it is not directly related to the support of the Elphel products.  So we need to find a better place for such discussion - a place where only interested in the matter would read it.

Additionally - Elphel is a camera manufacturer, we are not designing sensors and ADC they have internally. If you are interested in  that - there is a lot of the inforamtion on the Internet discussing all the details of the sensors. You can find a lot about the different noise sources in the image acquisition process - much more than I can write here. Or - even what I know myself.


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