[Elphel-support] question on streaming

flavio soares qazav3.0 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 07:50:19 PDT 2012

Hi, a quick question. I was wondering if there is a way of either:

- make elphel's streaming server output the stream at a fraction of its
original FPS, say 1/2 of it; or

- make elphel's streaming server output the stream at a fraction of its
original resolution, say 1/2 or 1/4 of it; or

- make gstreamer play the live stream at half of the original FPS, say 1/2
of it.

I ask this because making Elphel's stream output at 1/2 of the original FPS
or 1/2 resolution would (in theory) demand less CPU power for the streaming
and leave more for recording at the camera. With gstreamer, the case is
similar but on the other side - it would demand less CPU to debayer and
display the RAW stream live.

(I am using a gstreamer live preview of 1/4 the stream original size and my
laptop's CPU, a 2005 Pentium M, can handle it fine actually. Even though,
of course, it would be very nice to save power and use less resourses.
Based on the tests I put on the
the jitter starts to happen at frame sizes between 350~450k).


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