[Elphel-support] Camogm triggered mode

Dimitrios dz at telemetry.gr
Thu Jan 5 13:27:14 PST 2012

Thank you Sebastian.
It looks like I missed the local address.

This takes about 2 sec to complete a write:

[root at Elphel353 /root]4303# time wget -q
-O /mnt/0/snapfull`date +%s`.jpg
real    0m 1.90s
user    0m 0.03s
sys     0m 0.13s

While imgsrv takes 180msec for one frame.

[root at Elphel353 /root]4303# time wget -q -O
/mnt/0/snapfull`date +%s`.jpg
real    0m 0.18s
user    0m 0.03s
sys     0m 0.10s

Frames are 2592x3888 px

But I need to take thousands of images and I was looking for a more
efficient way for doing it, hence my take on camogm and an output to a
.mov container.


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