[Elphel-support] ADIS 16488

Lemay, Lee C CIV SPAWARSYSCEN-PACIFIC, 52340 lee.lemay at navy.mil
Thu Feb 9 13:24:46 PST 2012

Elphel folks,

The ADIS 16488 is going to be available for purchase within the next week or so, and we'd love to use it in our Elphel based IMU data logging system. It has the exact same form factor and IMU messages that the current ADIS 16375 has, so it should be plug and play with the current system.

It also has a magnetometer and a barometer, both of which we would like to use. The barometer will stabilize the vertical channel for the navigation system, and the magnetometer will make initialization much easier. Is it possible for support for these two messages to be added into the FPGA build?

I appreciate your help!
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