[Elphel-support] change camera parameters through Telnet

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Fri Dec 14 08:40:51 PST 2012

> if there are other php programs that "might be quicker" what are their limitations? and how do I use them in order to change parameters in the camera?


Oleg has already sent you the example script to change the parameters, but the fastest will be _your_ script that does only what you need. But in any case - even parsedit.php latency is much lower than a frame time (plus minimum of the default 3 frames - if you haven't overwritten it with "*0" after the exposure time and the sensor internal latency). Most of the latency time you see is, as I wrote earlier, your laptop loading and running wget program. try something different - javascript code loading XML from the camera (parsedit.php returns XML request), or use some Python function.


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