[Elphel-support] starting an article...

flavio soares qazav3.0 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 09:04:51 PDT 2012

Hello, everyone,

In the beginning of June, I had sent an e-mail talking about an article I
was starting to write. Well, now it is nearly finished - there is the last
part, talking about audio recording, but this research will only be done in
a couple of months.

The article is called "A somewhat comprehensible guide to using Elphel as a
Digital Cinema camera", and can be found at this address:


All in all, we have have been working a lot on the project of shooting our
movie with Elphel, and you can have a taste of it at our production blog (

I tried my best to give credits to everyone and link to the most relevant
pages of documentation. Please point me to the inaccuracies there, and if
there is any link or links you may consider relevant to be mentioned at a
certain part of the article, I'll do that with pleasure. My intention is
for it to serve as a starting point/general overview for anyone that
follows our path - to shoot a movie with Elphel.

I also wonder if there is any part (or parts, or full) you may consider
relevant to be posted at Elphel's development blog. In case you consider
valid publishing there, please tell me so.

(btw, Andrey, now I can finally start messing with the coring settings, as
you had mentioned at the time.)

All in all, thanks for the wild experience. We are in the moment of
visiting locations, chosing actors and doing the production for shooting.
Everyone in the team is very excited and we plan to have a screening party
with the band performing the original soundtrack live during the exibition
of the movie, somewhere at the beginning of 2013 (probably). We hope to
pass you those feelings!


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