[Elphel-support] using elphel for the first time

flavio soares qazav3.0 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 08:50:53 PDT 2012

Hi, Eric,

Thanks for your quick response. I spent yesterday night fiddling with this
issue and I found out what the problem was.

I compared the softwares installed at Elphel's live USB with the ones I
had, and notice the abscence of "gecko-mediaplayer", that is used together
with "gnome-mplayer" in the live distro. Once installing it, everything
started working, both on the camera's interface (the bicycle guy appeared
in my Desktop computer; in my laptop, I had to uninstall "totem-mozilla" to
make it work) and via command line.

Before doing that, I had updated the VLC with the bugfix. I'll conduct some
new tests to confirm if with gecko-mediaplayer VLC would have worked
without the fix, then I'll update the wiki's documentation.

I'm impressed by the low latency the live USB achieves. In my installed
machine (which is to say, the same equipment, an old laptop), latency is
probably higher than 2 sec, while with the USB it is probably lower than 1
sec. Is this due to the distro's kernel? Because if it is, I may compile
mine to see what happens.

Best regards,

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