[Elphel-support] Reflashing

Andreas Bean office at beanbox.com
Sat Jul 16 10:19:38 PDT 2011


I'm having trouble reflashing the 353.  I wanted to update, but the 
updated failed with a crc error.
The cam is now without firmware, thats why I'm trying to reflash with 

Unfortunately I'm stuck.

RS232 is connected and showing the boot up process for normal power on.
In netboot mode I get no output on the RS232.

Netboot goes through to JUMP and return 0.

The traffic monitor shows that the nfs share is accessed and the cam 
pulls the files.

I tried -cmd update, boot, all - with no result.
No output on the RS232 - is this expected in netboot mode?

Please point me in the right direction what to check next.


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