[Elphel-support] Sensor defect in 353 camera.

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Thu Jan 20 09:35:51 PST 2011

Hallo Heinrich,

> I think it's a hardware problem. Would I void the warranty by opening and
taking a look at the inside? Otherwise we would send it back to you for a
replacement unit.

It still seems to me like wrong phase setting that we can fix without
replacing the camera. What software version do you have? Did you
upgrade/change any of the default settings? The FPGA bitstream(s)?

You may try to adjust delay between the clock going to the sensor and the
strobe that receives data from the sensor. You can open the following url
(replacing if needed):

There are some "tooltips" for parameters if you put mouse pointer over their
DAEMON_EN should be set to zero - that will disable autoexposure and white
balance, they can be "crazy" when the phase is wrong
SENSOR_PHASE controls phase between clock going out from 10353 board and the
strobe it latches incoming data. In the case of the 10359 board it is
responsible for communication between the 10359 and 10353
MULTI_PHASE1...MULTI_PHASE3 - same between the 10359 and it 3 sensor ports
(only MULTI_PHASE1 is used in your setup)

These phases combine 1:4 90-degree multiplexor and Xilinx DCM control.
Low 16 bits control DCM as signed value, so 0x001 is one positive DCM step,
0xffff - one negative step from zero
Next 3 bits control 90-degree steps (0x0000, 0x10000, 0x20000 and 0x30000)
Additional bit 19 (0x80000) forces DCM reset - if you go too far from the
DCM zero point (usually 0xff60..0x00a0) DCM silently "hangs" and will not
work until reset

You may also change the sensor output to test pattern, setting the value of
TESTSENSOR to 0x10008 - 0x10000 enables test, lower bits select one of the
sensor internal patterns, "8" should produce vertical color bars (red,
green, blue,grey,magenta and small black column), dim on top, bright on

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