[Elphel-support] Fwd: Minimun exposure

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Wed Jan 19 20:06:32 PST 2011


Can you provide some sample images at different conditions?

I believe that you can adjust existent autoexposure parameters to do what
you need

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 8:13 PM, Andres Guillermo
<andres at sirius.utp.edu.co>wrote:

> when I enable the Exposure the problem is that when the sun rises the
> image is way too dark

You mean when the sun is in the autoexposure region?

First, you may try to adjust the rectangular autoexposure region so the sun
never reaches it
Second - you may allow more pixels to be overexposed

All these parameters are available in the camvc, you may drag the orange
autoexposure region (or change numeric values), then (while the autoexposure
mode is selected) click on  "more.." and adjust sliders.

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