[Elphel-support] Panoramas From the Backpack

Grahame M. Kelly grahame at wildpossum.com
Wed Apr 27 21:40:45 PDT 2011

Hi Guys!

Excellent photos and I am sure you all enjoyed the experience
(especially of lugging a man-mounted-ray-gun around to the amazement of
other hikers).

Looking at how the Elphel-Eyesis unit is mounted to the back pack, and
the angle of incline relative to the ground and the hiker's back - I
wonder would it not be advantages to have the following added to the
overall project (I not sure this may have been mention before or not -
Apologies if it has).

1> S/W to handle the low level (possibly medium impact) vibration(s) and
varying degree of perpendicular given; the walking steps of a heavy
backpack unit; probably a sore and unsteady transport (i.e.: Further s/w
evaluation as was carried out on the truck / Sports Utility vehicle
movement and picture quality) and variations over different

2> As the distance travelled by a human is vastly smaller over time than
a vehicle, a mechanism to reduce the frequency of shots taken (That is:
the multiple number of shots containing >50% the same scene.) This way,
the quantity of cached images will be less, but as they carry more that
50% of sequential differentiated images, s/w be able to resolve any
mismatch issues with the auto panorama s/w.

3> Be nice to have the hikers health (breathing, heart rate, etc)
recorded so that one could give a "order of merit" / recognition of the
efforts undertaken in capturing such panoramic images :)


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